Japan OHAYO Dairy Products

Brand Introduction

OHAYO Dairy believes that food is fundamental to health. Committed to showcasing Japan’s culinary innovation on a global stage, their mission is to develop unique products that Japan can proudly present to the world. After extensive research and development focused on the ideal blend of caramelized textures and milk ice cream, the brand has successfully launched "BRULEE." This product has earned enduring affection from consumers, cementing its place as a beloved product.


OHAYO Dairy believes that food is fundamental to health. Committed to showcasing Japan’s culinary innovation on a global stage, their mission is to develop unique products that Japan can proudly present to the world. After extensive research and development focused on the ideal blend of caramelized textures and milk ice cream, the brand has successfully launched "BRULEE." This product has earned enduring affection from consumers, cementing its place as a beloved product.